Psychic Abilities


All Mediums are Psychic, but all Psychics are not Mediums.

A clairvoyant - psychic, sees other people's lives - their past, present or future - and receives intuitive information about the person.

A medium senses, feels, hears and sees those who have crossed over to the other side.

Clairvoyance or Psychic gifts is within spiritism, among other things, the ability to see, hear (clairaudience) and feel (clairsientence) what is hidden from the five senses. Among other things, being able to see and describe distant places, feel when someone is lying, get information about someone's life by focusing on the person or objects belonging to the person.

The three most comon Clairs in the Clair group is:

Clairvoyance - simply means "clear sight" the ability to see what is hidden to the five senses. When you are clairvoyant, it means that you can, for example, see and describe distant places, get information from pictures and symbols about someone's life, can see what happened in a place, and more.

Clairsentience - the ability to clearly sense energy. The ability to feel other people's feelings, feelings that guide and also feel physically In one's own body how someone else feels or feels, for example a pressure, pain, nausea, relief etc that comes to someone else or remains in a place.

Clairaudience (clear hearing) is the ability to hear messages. These can be external, coming from a source outside your head, or can be internal like a voice, it can include hearing familiar voices, like those of a loved one who has passed away, or even sounds that barely sound human at all. It can also include dream discussions that take place while you sleep.

After all, everything is energy so it is natural that we have senses to feel this. We've all had the experience of walking into a room and knowing immediately if something feels "right" or not, even if everything seems ok on the surface.

These are very useful tools in everyday life, not only if you want to work with readings or as a medium.

The difference between a Psychic and a Medium

Being psychic means that you are communicating soul to soul with the other person, you can see things from the persons past the present and the future. You're communicating with energies around this person, the person's daily life, what the person has experienced. This can be about a person’s job relations, health and other things.


The information that comes to a psychic is about what is going on, has happened and will happen here in this physical world.


A medium on the other hand, is communicating with the spirit world, with our loved ones that have past, and the spirit world which also includes communication with other spirit guides, entities, and other energies.


The word medium refers to the way, something is transmitted or transported. Mediums are often used to send and receive messages, being the link between the person in the physical world and spirit in the spirit world. The guidance, the information, everything comes as messages from spirit.


If you're a medium, you are psychic, but being psychic doesn't mean you are a medium. But we all have the ability to develop and raise our energies if we just have the desire to do so.